Victorian Ecosystem Services is committed to helping individuals and communities recover and rebuild

We also support you to cultivate resilience and post-traumatic growth

Successful recovery is community centred, responsive and flexible. Engaging with the community to support and empower them to heal and move forward takes time and resources. Our skilled facilitators experienced in community engagement project planning and implementation can provide the extra capacity you need to support communities participate in and lead their own recovery. Supporting Community Recovery Committees and local government to undertake Community-led recovery.

Our experienced facilitators are available to assist local government to support communities in the recovery process by Community-led, Bushfire Recovery Planning. Empowering communities with a new way of rebuilding that seeks opportunities to support Post Traumatic Growth, building connected and resilient communities and revitalising towns.


Victorian Ecosystem Services is BPAD certified. Catherine is a Level 2 Accredited Practitioner.

Not sure which service/s you need

We’re here to help

If you don’t know which service you need fill out the request a quote form and we can do a preliminary search of the planning schedules and confirm what overlays apply to your property and what you need for your planning permit application. Your local Government can also confirm this.